Pandas - 重新索引

  • 简述

    Reindexing更改 DataFrame 的行标签和列标签。重新索引意味着使数据符合沿特定轴的给定标签集。
    多个操作可以通过索引来完成,例如 -
    • 重新排序现有数据以匹配一组新标签。
    • 在不存在标签数据的标签位置插入缺失值 (NA) 标记。


    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    df = pd.DataFrame({
       'A': pd.date_range(start='2016-01-01',periods=N,freq='D'),
       'x': np.linspace(0,stop=N-1,num=N),
       'y': np.random.rand(N),
       'C': np.random.choice(['Low','Medium','High'],N).tolist(),
       'D': np.random.normal(100, 10, size=(N)).tolist()
    #reindex the DataFrame
    df_reindexed = df.reindex(index=[0,2,5], columns=['A', 'C', 'B'])
    print df_reindexed
    它的输出如下 -
                A    C     B
    0  2016-01-01  Low   NaN
    2  2016-01-03  High  NaN
    5  2016-01-06  Low   NaN
  • 使用其他对象重新索引到 Moogn



    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10,3),columns=['col1','col2','col3'])
    df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(7,3),columns=['col1','col2','col3'])
    df1 = df1.reindex_like(df2)
    print df1
    它的输出如下 -
              col1         col2         col3
    0    -2.467652    -1.211687    -0.391761
    1    -0.287396     0.522350     0.562512
    2    -0.255409    -0.483250     1.866258
    3    -1.150467    -0.646493    -0.222462
    4     0.152768    -2.056643     1.877233
    5    -1.155997     1.528719    -1.343719
    6    -1.015606    -1.245936    -0.295275
    输出- 这里,df1DataFrame 被更改并重新索引,如df2. 列名应匹配,否则将为整个列标签添加 NAN。
  • 重新索引时填充

    reindex()采用可选参数方法,它是一种填充方法,其值如下 -
    • pad/ffill− 向前填充值
    • bfill/backfill− 向后填充值
    • nearest− 从最近的索引值填充


    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6,3),columns=['col1','col2','col3'])
    df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(2,3),columns=['col1','col2','col3'])
    # Padding NAN's
    print df2.reindex_like(df1)
    # Now Fill the NAN's with preceding Values
    print ("Data Frame with Forward Fill:")
    print df2.reindex_like(df1,method='ffill')
    它的输出如下 -
             col1        col2       col3
    0    1.311620   -0.707176   0.599863
    1   -0.423455   -0.700265   1.133371
    2         NaN         NaN        NaN
    3         NaN         NaN        NaN
    4         NaN         NaN        NaN
    5         NaN         NaN        NaN
    Data Frame with Forward Fill:
             col1        col2        col3
    0    1.311620   -0.707176    0.599863
    1   -0.423455   -0.700265    1.133371
    2   -0.423455   -0.700265    1.133371
    3   -0.423455   -0.700265    1.133371
    4   -0.423455   -0.700265    1.133371
    5   -0.423455   -0.700265    1.133371
    输出− 最后四行被填充。
  • 重新索引时的填充限制

    limit 参数在重新索引时提供了对填充的额外控制。限制指定连续匹配的最大计数。让我们考虑以下示例来理解相同的内容 -


    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6,3),columns=['col1','col2','col3'])
    df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(2,3),columns=['col1','col2','col3'])
    # Padding NAN's
    print df2.reindex_like(df1)
    # Now Fill the NAN's with preceding Values
    print ("Data Frame with Forward Fill limiting to 1:")
    print df2.reindex_like(df1,method='ffill',limit=1)
    它的输出如下 -
             col1        col2        col3
    0    0.247784    2.128727    0.702576
    1   -0.055713   -0.021732   -0.174577
    2         NaN         NaN         NaN
    3         NaN         NaN         NaN
    4         NaN         NaN         NaN
    5         NaN         NaN         NaN
    Data Frame with Forward Fill limiting to 1:
             col1        col2        col3
    0    0.247784    2.128727    0.702576
    1   -0.055713   -0.021732   -0.174577
    2   -0.055713   -0.021732   -0.174577
    3         NaN         NaN         NaN
    4         NaN         NaN         NaN
    5         NaN         NaN         NaN
    输出− 观察,只有第 7 行被前面的第 6 行填充。然后,行保持原样。
  • 重命名

    rename() 方法允许您根据某些映射(dict 或 Series)或任意函数重新标记轴。
    让我们考虑以下示例来理解这一点 -
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6,3),columns=['col1','col2','col3'])
    print df1
    print ("After renaming the rows and columns:")
    print df1.rename(columns={'col1' : 'c1', 'col2' : 'c2'},
    index = {0 : 'apple', 1 : 'banana', 2 : 'durian'})
    它的输出如下 -
             col1        col2        col3
    0    0.486791    0.105759    1.540122
    1   -0.990237    1.007885   -0.217896
    2   -0.483855   -1.645027   -1.194113
    3   -0.122316    0.566277   -0.366028
    4   -0.231524   -0.721172   -0.112007
    5    0.438810    0.000225    0.435479
    After renaming the rows and columns:
                    c1          c2        col3
    apple     0.486791    0.105759    1.540122
    banana   -0.990237    1.007885   -0.217896
    durian   -0.483855   -1.645027   -1.194113
    3        -0.122316    0.566277   -0.366028
    4        -0.231524   -0.721172   -0.112007
    5         0.438810    0.000225    0.435479
    rename() 方法提供了一个inplace命名参数,默认为 False 并复制底层数据。经过inplace=True重命名数据。