汇编语言 内存管理

  • 内存管理

    section .text
       global _start         ;must be declared for using gcc
    _start:                  ;tell linker entry point
       mov  eax, 45          ;sys_brk
       xor  ebx, ebx
       int  80h
       add  eax, 16384       ;number of bytes to be reserved
       mov  ebx, eax
       mov  eax, 45          ;sys_brk
       int  80h
       cmp  eax, 0
       jl   exit    ;exit, if error 
       mov  edi, eax         ;EDI = highest available address
       sub  edi, 4           ;pointing to the last DWORD  
       mov  ecx, 4096        ;number of DWORDs allocated
       xor  eax, eax         ;clear eax
       std                   ;backward
       rep  stosd            ;repete for entire allocated area
       cld                   ;put DF flag to normal state
       mov  eax, 4
       mov  ebx, 1
       mov  ecx, msg
       mov  edx, len
       int  80h              ;print a message
       mov  eax, 1
       xor  ebx, ebx
       int  80h
    section .data
    msg     db      "Allocated 16 kb of memory!", 10
    len     equ     $ - msg
    Allocated 16 kb of memory!