Swift - 扩展
可以在扩展的帮助下添加现有类、结构或枚举类型的功能。类型功能可以通过扩展添加,但扩展无法覆盖功能。Swift Extension Functionalities −- 添加计算属性和计算类型属性
- 定义实例和类型方法。
- 提供新的初始化程序。
- 定义下标
- 定义和使用新的嵌套类型
- 使现有类型符合协议
extension SomeType { // new functionality can be added here }
现有的类型也可以通过扩展来使其成为协议标准,其语法类似于类或结构的语法。extension SomeType: SomeProtocol, AnotherProtocol { // protocol requirements is described here }
计算的“实例”和“类型”属性也可以在扩展的帮助下进行扩展。extension Int { var add: Int {return self + 100 } var sub: Int { return self - 10 } var mul: Int { return self * 10 } var div: Int { return self / 5 } } let addition = 3.add print("Addition is \(addition)") let subtraction = 120.sub print("Subtraction is \(subtraction)") let multiplication = 39.mul print("Multiplication is \(multiplication)") let division = 55.div print("Division is \(division)") let mix = 30.add + 34.sub print("Mixed Type is \(mix)")
当我们使用playground运行上述程序时,我们得到以下结果 -Addition is 103 Subtraction is 110 Multiplication is 390 Division is 11 Mixed Type is 154
Swift 4 提供了通过扩展向现有类型添加新初始化器的灵活性。用户可以添加自己的自定义类型来扩展已经定义的类型,并且还可以使用其他初始化选项。扩展仅支持 init()。扩展不支持 deinit()。struct sum { var num1 = 100, num2 = 200 } struct diff { var no1 = 200, no2 = 100 } struct mult { var a = sum() var b = diff() } let calc = mult() print ("Inside mult block \(calc.a.num1, calc.a.num2)") print("Inside mult block \(calc.b.no1, calc.b.no2)") let memcalc = mult(a: sum(num1: 300, num2: 500),b: diff(no1: 300, no2: 100)) print("Inside mult block \(memcalc.a.num1, memcalc.a.num2)") print("Inside mult block \(memcalc.b.no1, memcalc.b.no2)") extension mult { init(x: sum, y: diff) { let X = x.num1 + x.num2 let Y = y.no1 + y.no2 } } let a = sum(num1: 100, num2: 200) print("Inside Sum Block:\( a.num1, a.num2)") let b = diff(no1: 200, no2: 100) print("Inside Diff Block: \(b.no1, b.no2)")
当我们使用playground运行上述程序时,我们得到以下结果 -Inside mult block (100, 200) Inside mult block (200, 100) Inside mult block (300, 500) Inside mult block (300, 100) Inside Sum Block:(100, 200) Inside Diff Block: (200, 100)
新的实例方法和类型方法可以在扩展的帮助下进一步添加到子类中。extension Int { func topics(summation: () -> ()) { for _ in 0..<self { summation() } } } 4.topics(summation: { print("Inside Extensions Block") }) 3.topics(summation: { print("Inside Type Casting Block") })
当我们使用playground运行上述程序时,我们得到以下结果 -Inside Extensions Block Inside Extensions Block Inside Extensions Block Inside Extensions Block Inside Type Casting Block Inside Type Casting Block Inside Type Casting Block
topic() 函数接受类型为 '(summation: () → ())' 的参数来表示该函数不接受任何参数并且不会返回任何值。要多次调用该函数,请初始化 for 块并初始化对带有 topic() 的方法的调用。 -
当声明为扩展时,实例方法也可以改变。修改 self 或其属性的结构和枚举方法必须将实例方法标记为变异,就像从原始实现中变异方法一样。extension Double { mutating func square() { let pi = 3.1415 self = pi * self * self } } var Trial1 = 3.3 Trial1.square() print("Area of circle is: \(Trial1)") var Trial2 = 5.8 Trial2.square() print("Area of circle is: \(Trial2)") var Trial3 = 120.3 Trial3.square() print("Area of circle is: \(Trial3)")
当我们使用playground运行上述程序时,我们得到以下结果 -Area of circle is: 34.210935 Area of circle is: 105.68006 Area of circle is: 45464.070735
使用扩展也可以向已经声明的实例添加新的下标。extension Int { subscript(var multtable: Int) -> Int { var no1 = 1 while multtable > 0 { no1 *= 10 --multtable } return (self / no1) % 10 } } print(12[0]) print(7869[1]) print(786543[2])
当我们使用playground运行上述程序时,我们得到以下结果 -2 6 5
类、结构和枚举实例的嵌套类型也可以在扩展的帮助下进行扩展。extension Int { enum calc { case add case sub case mult case div case anything } var print: calc { switch self { case 0: return .add case 1: return .sub case 2: return .mult case 3: return .div default: return .anything } } } func result(numb: [Int]) { for i in numb { switch i.print { case .add: print(" 10 ") case .sub: print(" 20 ") case .mult: print(" 30 ") case .div: print(" 40 ") default: print(" 50 ") } } } result(numb: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7])
当我们使用playground运行上述程序时,我们得到以下结果 -10 20 30 40 50 50