Fortran - 动态数组
动态数组是一个数组,它的大小在编译时是未知的,但在执行时是已知的。动态数组是用属性声明的allocatable.例如,real, dimension (:,:), allocatable :: darray
必须提到数组的等级,即维度,但是,要将内存分配给这样的数组,您可以使用allocate功能。allocate ( darray(s1,s2) )
使用数组后,在程序中,创建的内存应该使用deallocate功能deallocate (darray)
以下示例演示了上面讨论的概念。program dynamic_array implicit none !rank is 2, but size not known real, dimension (:,:), allocatable :: darray integer :: s1, s2 integer :: i, j print*, "Enter the size of the array:" read*, s1, s2 ! allocate memory allocate ( darray(s1,s2) ) do i = 1, s1 do j = 1, s2 darray(i,j) = i*j print*, "darray(",i,",",j,") = ", darray(i,j) end do end do deallocate (darray) end program dynamic_array
编译并执行上述代码时,会产生以下结果 -Enter the size of the array: 3,4 darray( 1 , 1 ) = 1.00000000 darray( 1 , 2 ) = 2.00000000 darray( 1 , 3 ) = 3.00000000 darray( 1 , 4 ) = 4.00000000 darray( 2 , 1 ) = 2.00000000 darray( 2 , 2 ) = 4.00000000 darray( 2 , 3 ) = 6.00000000 darray( 2 , 4 ) = 8.00000000 darray( 3 , 1 ) = 3.00000000 darray( 3 , 2 ) = 6.00000000 darray( 3 , 3 ) = 9.00000000 darray( 3 , 4 ) = 12.0000000
这data语句可用于初始化多个数组,或用于数组部分初始化。数据语句的语法是 -data variable / list / ...
以下示例演示了该概念 -program dataStatement implicit none integer :: a(5), b(3,3), c(10),i, j data a /7,8,9,10,11/ data b(1,:) /1,1,1/ data b(2,:)/2,2,2/ data b(3,:)/3,3,3/ data (c(i),i = 1,10,2) /4,5,6,7,8/ data (c(i),i = 2,10,2)/5*2/ Print *, 'The A array:' do j = 1, 5 print*, a(j) end do Print *, 'The B array:' do i = lbound(b,1), ubound(b,1) write(*,*) (b(i,j), j = lbound(b,2), ubound(b,2)) end do Print *, 'The C array:' do j = 1, 10 print*, c(j) end do end program dataStatement
编译并执行上述代码时,会产生以下结果 -The A array: 7 8 9 10 11 The B array: 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 The C array: 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 2
使用 Where 语句
以下示例演示了该概念 -program whereStatement implicit none integer :: a(3,5), i , j do i = 1,3 do j = 1, 5 a(i,j) = j-i end do end do Print *, 'The A array:' do i = lbound(a,1), ubound(a,1) write(*,*) (a(i,j), j = lbound(a,2), ubound(a,2)) end do where( a<0 ) a = 1 elsewhere a = 5 end where Print *, 'The A array:' do i = lbound(a,1), ubound(a,1) write(*,*) (a(i,j), j = lbound(a,2), ubound(a,2)) end do end program whereStatement
编译并执行上述代码时,会产生以下结果 -The A array: 0 1 2 3 4 -1 0 1 2 3 -2 -1 0 1 2 The A array: 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 1 1 5 5 5