Perl endpwent 函数

  • 描述

    endpwent 告诉系统您不再希望使用getpwent从密码文件读取条目。在Windows下,使用 Win32API::Net 函数从域服务器获取信息。
  • 句法

  • 返回值

  • 示例

    while(($name, $passwd, $uid, $gid, $quota,
       $comment, $gcos, $dir, $shell) = getpwent()) {
       print "Name = $name\n";
       print "Password = $passwd\n";
       print "UID = $uid\n";
       print "GID = $gid\n";
       print "Quota = $quota\n";
       print "Comment = $comment\n";
       print "Gcos = $gcos\n";
       print "HOME DIR = $dir\n";
       print "Shell = $shell\n";
    setpwent() ; # Rewind the databse /etc/passwd
    while(($name, $passwd, $uid, $gid, $quota,
       $comment, $gcos, $dir, $shell) = getpwent()) {
       print "Name = $name\n";
       print "Password = $passwd\n";
       print "UID = $uid\n";
       print "GID = $gid\n";
       print "Quota = $quota\n";
       print "Comment = $comment\n";
       print "Gcos = $gcos\n";
       print "HOME DIR = $dir\n";
       print "Shell = $shell\n";
    endpwent(); # Closes the database;
    Name = root
    Password = x
    UID = 0
    GID = 0
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = root
    HOME DIR = /root
    Shell = /bin/bash
    Name = daemon
    Password = x
    UID = 1
    GID = 1
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = daemon
    HOME DIR = /usr/sbin
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = bin
    Password = x
    UID = 2
    GID = 2
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = bin
    HOME DIR = /bin
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = sys
    Password = x
    UID = 3
    GID = 3
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = sys
    HOME DIR = /dev
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = sync
    Password = x
    UID = 4
    GID = 65534
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = sync
    HOME DIR = /bin
    Shell = /bin/sync
    Name = games
    Password = x
    UID = 5
    GID = 60
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = games
    HOME DIR = /usr/games
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = man
    Password = x
    UID = 6
    GID = 12
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = man
    HOME DIR = /var/cache/man
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = lp
    Password = x
    UID = 7
    GID = 7
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = lp
    HOME DIR = /var/spool/lpd
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = mail
    Password = x
    UID = 8
    GID = 8
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = mail
    HOME DIR = /var/mail
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = news
    Password = x
    UID = 9
    GID = 9
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = news
    HOME DIR = /var/spool/news
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = uucp
    Password = x
    UID = 10
    GID = 10
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = uucp
    HOME DIR = /var/spool/uucp
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = proxy
    Password = x
    UID = 13
    GID = 13
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = proxy
    HOME DIR = /bin
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = www-data
    Password = x
    UID = 33
    GID = 33
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = www-data
    HOME DIR = /var/www
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = backup
    Password = x
    UID = 34
    GID = 34
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = backup
    HOME DIR = /var/backups
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = list
    Password = x
    UID = 38
    GID = 38
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = Mailing List Manager
    HOME DIR = /var/list
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = irc
    Password = x
    UID = 39
    GID = 39
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = ircd
    HOME DIR = /var/run/ircd
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = gnats
    Password = x
    UID = 41
    GID = 41
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = Gnats Bug-Reporting System (admin)
    HOME DIR = /var/lib/gnats
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = nobody
    Password = x
    UID = 65534
    GID = 65534
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = nobody
    HOME DIR = /nonexistent
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = systemd-timesync
    Password = x
    UID = 100
    GID = 103
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = systemd Time Synchronization,,,
    HOME DIR = /run/systemd
    Shell = /bin/false
    Name = systemd-network
    Password = x
    UID = 101
    GID = 104
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = systemd Network Management,,,
    HOME DIR = /run/systemd/netif
    Shell = /bin/false
    Name = systemd-resolve
    Password = x
    UID = 102
    GID = 105
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = systemd Resolver,,,
    HOME DIR = /run/systemd/resolve
    Shell = /bin/false
    Name = systemd-bus-proxy
    Password = x
    UID = 103
    GID = 106
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = systemd Bus Proxy,,,
    HOME DIR = /run/systemd
    Shell = /bin/false
    Name = root
    Password = x
    UID = 0
    GID = 0
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = root
    HOME DIR = /root
    Shell = /bin/bash
    Name = daemon
    Password = x
    UID = 1
    GID = 1
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = daemon
    HOME DIR = /usr/sbin
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = bin
    Password = x
    UID = 2
    GID = 2
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = bin
    HOME DIR = /bin
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = sys
    Password = x
    UID = 3
    GID = 3
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = sys
    HOME DIR = /dev
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = sync
    Password = x
    UID = 4
    GID = 65534
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = sync
    HOME DIR = /bin
    Shell = /bin/sync
    Name = games
    Password = x
    UID = 5
    GID = 60
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = games
    HOME DIR = /usr/games
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = man
    Password = x
    UID = 6
    GID = 12
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = man
    HOME DIR = /var/cache/man
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = lp
    Password = x
    UID = 7
    GID = 7
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = lp
    HOME DIR = /var/spool/lpd
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = mail
    Password = x
    UID = 8
    GID = 8
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = mail
    HOME DIR = /var/mail
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = news
    Password = x
    UID = 9
    GID = 9
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = news
    HOME DIR = /var/spool/news
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = uucp
    Password = x
    UID = 10
    GID = 10
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = uucp
    HOME DIR = /var/spool/uucp
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = proxy
    Password = x
    UID = 13
    GID = 13
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = proxy
    HOME DIR = /bin
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = www-data
    Password = x
    UID = 33
    GID = 33
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = www-data
    HOME DIR = /var/www
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = backup
    Password = x
    UID = 34
    GID = 34
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = backup
    HOME DIR = /var/backups
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = list
    Password = x
    UID = 38
    GID = 38
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = Mailing List Manager
    HOME DIR = /var/list
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = irc
    Password = x
    UID = 39
    GID = 39
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = ircd
    HOME DIR = /var/run/ircd
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = gnats
    Password = x
    UID = 41
    GID = 41
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = Gnats Bug-Reporting System (admin)
    HOME DIR = /var/lib/gnats
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = nobody
    Password = x
    UID = 65534
    GID = 65534
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = nobody
    HOME DIR = /nonexistent
    Shell = /usr/sbin/nologin
    Name = systemd-timesync
    Password = x
    UID = 100
    GID = 103
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = systemd Time Synchronization,,,
    HOME DIR = /run/systemd
    Shell = /bin/false
    Name = systemd-network
    Password = x
    UID = 101
    GID = 104
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = systemd Network Management,,,
    HOME DIR = /run/systemd/netif
    Shell = /bin/false
    Name = systemd-resolve
    Password = x
    UID = 102
    GID = 105
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = systemd Resolver,,,
    HOME DIR = /run/systemd/resolve
    Shell = /bin/false
    Name = systemd-bus-proxy
    Password = x
    UID = 103
    GID = 106
    Quota = 
    Comment = 
    Gcos = systemd Bus Proxy,,,
    HOME DIR = /run/systemd
    Shell = /bin/false