SAP ABAP - While 循环
只要给定条件为真,WHILE 循环语句就会重复执行目标语句。WHILE 命令的一般格式如下 -WHILE <logical expression> <statement block>. ENDWHILE.
语句块可以是单个语句或语句块。WHILE 循环执行 WHILE 和 ENDWHILE 命令所包含的语句,直到逻辑表达式变为 false。 -
考虑到程序的性能,WHILE 命令更可取。循环一直持续到发现逻辑语句不正确为止,如果发现逻辑语句不正确则退出循环,并执行WHILE循环之后的第一条语句。 -
REPORT YS_SEP_15. DATA: a type i. a = 0. WHILE a <> 8. Write: / 'This is the line:', a. a = a + 1. ENDWHILE.
上面的代码产生以下输出 -This is the line: 0 This is the line: 1 This is the line: 2 This is the line: 3 This is the line: 4 This is the line: 5 This is the line: 6 This is the line: 7