source('data_visualization.R') ### Analizing Distributions using boxplots # The following shows the distance as a function of the carrier p = ggplot(DT, aes(x=carrier, y=distance, fill=carrier)) + # Define the carrier in the x axis and distance in the y axis geom_boxplot() + # Use the boxplot geom theme_bw() + # Leave a white background - More in line with tufte's principles than the default guides(fill=FALSE) + # Remove legend labs(list(title='Distance as a function of carrier', # Add labels x='Carrier', y='Distance')) p # Save to disk png('boxplot_carrier.png') print(p) # Let's add now another variable, the month of each flight # We will be using facet_wrap for this p = ggplot(DT, aes(carrier, distance, fill=carrier)) + geom_boxplot() + theme_bw() + guides(fill=FALSE) + facet_wrap(~month) + # This creates the trellis plot with the by month variable labs(list(title='Distance as a function of carrier by month', x='Carrier', y='Distance')) p # The plot shows there aren't clear differences between distance in different months # Save to disk png('boxplot_carrier_by_month.png') print(p)